Friday, 16 October 2015


Bauhaus Poster 1923
Bauhaus Poster 1923

The Bauhaus was founded in Weimar, Germany, 1919 by architect Walter Gropius. It was combined of crafts and fine arts. It existed in three Germany cities, being in Weimar from 1919 - 1925. The Bauhaus was well known for its innovative approach to design and this changed the course of Modern Art in the 20th century.
Walter Gropius was the founder of the Bauhaus school in Germany, in 1919. Along with Le Corbusier is known as one of the pioneering masters of Modern Architecture.

WW|| was a global war from 1939 - 1945, although related conflicts started earlier. It included a vast majority of the worlds nations. War changed fashion dramatically. It didnt matter about being the best dressed or wearing designer clothes but it was about practical clothing. Everything at this time has to be rationed, including clothes. So the slogan 'Make do and mend' was made to encourage people to repair and adapt their own clothes.

Vogue ran articles about having 'your one and only dress'. Meaning that you have one dress that would be your going out wear. Vogue also made many slogans, including one saying 'Dig for victory'. This basically meant that the women had to produce their own food to save resources.

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